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Dr. Allan Schore in Northern New England

  • 16 May 2015
  • 21 May 2015
  • Northern New England

Dr. Allan Schore in Northern New England – May 2015


Dr. Allan Schoreis an eminent neuropsychologist on the clinical faculty at UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine.  He is the author of the recently published and critically acclaimed The Science of the Art of Psychotherapy, as well as three seminal volumes on attachment and brain development.


Saturday, May 16 – “The Science of the Art of Psychotherapy”

6-hour workshop discusses the relational and neurobiological change mechanisms that lie at the core of psychotherapy, especially in heightened affective moments in treatment. 

Location:   Southern NH University (Hospitality Center), Manchester NH

Cost:        $150 registration by April 16 ($160 thereafter); $100 for students and trainees

Sponsors: NH-NASW, NH Psychological Association, and VT Society of Modern Psychoanalysis

Contact for CEU info and registration:  603-226-7135 (M and W)

Monday, May 18 – “Relational Trauma and the Development of the Right Brain”

6-hour workshop for psychotherapists, physicians, child protection workers, post-adoption workers, early interventionists and educators.  Discusses the origins of dissociation and the intergenerational transmission of a predisposition to attachment trauma-related disorders, including PTSD and Borderline Personality Disorder, and implications for treatment.

Location:  Inn at Essex, Essex Jct., VT

Sponsor:  NFI

For registration and CEU info, contact:  802-658-0040


Wednesday, May 20 – Three Events

  • “The Developmental Origins of Health” Geisel Medical School Pediatric Grand Rounds, 8:00am, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center (Auditorium E), Lebanon, NH
  • “Where Do Children’s Minds Come From?” 4-hour workshop for all persons interested in child development (including child care providers, early interventionists, preschool special educators, home visitors, mental health professionals, social workers, teachers and judges); discusses how early social experience organizes the infant’s developing right brain, which for the rest of life underlies nonconscious processing of emotion, stress regulation, empathy, social intelligence and emotional well-being.  Suggests ways to promote self-regulation in young children and troubled older children.

     1:00-5:00pm, Wilder Event Center, Wilder, VT, Cost:  $40  

     For registration, contact the Child Care Project, 603-646-3233

  • “Early Relationships and Life-Long Health”  Public lecture              7:30pm, Filene Auditorium, Moore Hall, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH – No Cost

Thursday, May 21 – “Relational Trauma and the Development of the Right Brain”

6-hour workshop (see Monday, May 18)

Location:  Jesse’s Restaurant, Rte. 120 (Lebanon Rd.), Hanover, NH

Cost:  $100

Sponsors:  ECMHN, Dartmouth Trauma Intervention Research Center (DTIRC)

For registration and CEU info, contact:  Phil@snsc–  603-448-6311


Sponsored by Early Childhood Mental Health Network of the Upper Valley


with support from NH Endowment for Health, Geisel Medical School Department of Pediatrics, Byrne Foundation, Dwinnell Charitable Trust, and Let’s Grow Kids

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